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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

Meet Our Sponsor: Sublime Stitching!

We all know that San Francisco Bazaar is not your granny’s craft fair, and Sublime Stitching is definitely not your granny’s embroidery.  No wonder we go so well together!  We’re super psyched to have our favorite supplier of embroidery patterns, kits, books and supplies sponsoring this year’s fair.

You’ll be sure to see all kind of needlework goodies at Fort Mason this December, but if you’re like me and you just can’t wait, Sublime Stitching is generously offering a meaty 15% off with discount code BAZAAR.  Make sure you don’t pass this up!

Sublime Stitching was founded independently in Austin, Texas in 2001 by Jenny Hart, due to an overabundance of bunny-n-duckie patterns and outdated, overly-difficult instructions for embroidery.  Sublime Stitching introduces edgy embroidery design, all-in-one embroidery starter kits and entertaining, now-I-understand-it instructions to bring embroidery back to life for a new generation of needleworkers.


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