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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

You're Invited: Weave App Breakfast Group This Friday May 27th in San Francisco

Intuit is looking for a group of creative business owners to test drive the Weave App in person! They’re interested in getting your first impressions & learning about what you would need from Weave to make it the app for your creative life!

Some details:
– You DO NOT need to have the app currently on your phone to participate. We’ll bring it to you!
– Don’t own an iPhone? We can provide one for you to use while at the group
– We’ll only need about 30-45 minutes of your time

Participation will entitle you to a $25 Visa card, coffee and snacks!

We would like to meet with around 5-7 people some time between 9-1PM this Friday May 27th 2011 in San Francisco. Once we confirm some interested people and most popular time slot we’ll confirm an exact cafe location in San Francisco that works best for all those participating.

So if you’re interested in helping us out and giving feedback on this new application please RSVP via this

Doodle Link:

Please make sure you leave your name and e-mail when you RSVP in the Doodle and select start times that work best for you! Thanks.

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