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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

Sonoma Valley Hospital Auxiliary Arts & Craft Fair – April 14th

The second annual Sonoma Valley Hospital Auxiliary Arts & Craft Fair Saturday is set for April 14, 2012.  This event will be held at the Sebastiani Vineyards,389 Fourth Street Eastin the beautiful Valley of the Moon of Sonoma. Proceeds go to support the Sonoma Valley Hospital Health Care District. 

The event will be advertised throughout the month of March 2012 up to the date of the event.  To make this event profitable for all, no percentage of sales will be  required from vendors.  Any donations to the Sonoma Valley Hospital Auxiliary  for this event will be greatly appreciated. 

The Sonoma Valley Film Festival will be taking place in the valley that weekend with films scheduled to be shown at Sebastiani Winery.  Advertising for the event will be inSonomaCountynewspapers and listed in the Sonoma County Visitors Bureau events calendar.  Early registration is encouraged to include mention of your product in the advertising.  This year there will also be food booths for the event. 

If you have any questions or would like to request an application, feel free to contact Sharon Cornelius, at 707 935-9505 or e-mail:  We hope to see you in April at the Sonoma Valley Hospital Auxiliary Arts & Craft Fair.

We have provided this listing on our Blog as a service to our fellow indie crafters and designers. This show is not affiliated to San Francisco Bazaar. BBSF Blog makes no guarantees or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained on this post. Please direct all questions using the contact information as listed on this blog post. DO NOT leave questions here on our blog as they will not be answered by the show organizers. See our Terms of Use section for more information.


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