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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

recover your thoughts, green and useful journals

temescalHow did you come up with a product that is valuable, useable, and almost totally green? Being a bookbinder, I was well aware of the piles of paper in the production process that just goes to waste. I had been saving this waste for years and trying to think of a use. When I discovered the huge supply of books that libraries have no choice but to discard, I was able to put the two things together. Although I am pleased that my journals are almost 100% made from reclaimed materials, I really can’t take that much credit. It just happened that way.

How did you get started in the D.I.Y movement? After I created the journals I struggled to find a venue to sell them. Book stores wanted too much of “a cut.”  I tried street fairs and flea markets, but I really didn’t know what I was doing. When I was introduced to Darcy at Feria Urbana my life changed. PBX_JournalNot only did I find the exact crowd to sell my journals too, I soon learned how much I enjoyed being a vendor.

What affect does retail products being sold affect the integrity of craft fairs? You don’t see much of that in San Francisco, but just a short ways away, it is a huge issue. I guess to be fair, as long as everyone knows the source, I would hate to get involved in this dispute. It bothers me when something is sold as handmade and it really isn’t. Or maybe worse, if it is hand made and imported, and the vendor implies that it was made by themself.

EarthDayWhat advice can you give new crafters that are entering the market place? If nothing else, just have fun. It is more important to make friends then to make money. There have been many times I’ve come home from a day of miserable sales, but I can honestly say I still managed to enjoy myself.

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