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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

Naoko, glass melts in flame, wool from earth

I moved to US 20+ years ago from Japan. I was born and grew up inĀ  Tokyo. I began to design jewelry and accessories in New York City, but now I live in the Bay Area.

I’ve always made pretty things as a graphic designer. Several years ago I lost my many of my major clients. I was very upset, to lose my job, but was happy to have more time for myself. I started to make more. I still have a graphic design business to make real money though.

I find inspiration during my yoga class a lot. The best thing is assembling to the final piece. The worst is rubbingĀ  wool in warm soapy water for 3 hours. I use locally produced wool only and natural or plant dye as much asĀ possible. All glass beads are hand made by me. The only purchasedĀ parts within my work are semi precious beads, pearls and findings.

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