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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

Thank you Maker Faire Jury

Every show we ask people from our indie community to help jury our shows. We do not use any paid staff for this process.  This year we are honored to have the following individuals volunteer their time :

Even Howard


Even Howard lives to foster creative success among fellow artists and makers. She brings experience as an educator, gallery director, and entrepreneur to creative collaborations and her own crochet jewelry line. “I am forever indebted to my high school art instructor, Mark Sullivan, who taught me that even (or especially) the greatest artists must possess the capacity to manage the complex business of art or, even better, build a network of support for every facet of life around art-making. I found I have a talent for that and am happy to share it and grow it so that more of us can do what we love and love what we do.” Even currently volunteers as Co-Captain of the San Francisco Bay Area Etsy Team in support of a nearly 900 member community united by love of handmade and vintage while continuing to design and create wearable crochet art.

Even’s Web Shop: 

Katy Kristin Bowen 


My name is Katy Kristin, I live by the ocean near San Francisco, and I’ve always made things.

I found a little “Book About Me” I made in school when I was seven, and in it I wrote, “When I grow up, I want to be an artist.”

I remember my dad teaching me how to sew from one of those little hotel room sewing kits. I had found it in a drawer and asked him how you use it. I was pretty little, but that was one of those super important life moments for me. I started sewing all kinds of stuffed animals.

I majored in Fine Art at UCLA, and I spent many years doing claymation and special effects miniatures for film and tv. But I always came back to making the things I loved- toys, dolls, whimsical jewelry and illustrations.

So I started my art and craft business. Now I get to do what I love everyday. If Pippi Longstocking grew up and had a favorite shop, I hope Katy Kristin would be it!

Also, one day I hope to live in a treehouse, a really BIG treehouse.

Katy’s Website:


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