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Looking for a local artist for a trunk show – San Francisco – Feb 4th

Looking for a local artist (jewelery, earthenware, glass) that would be interetsed in setting up a vendor table during a non-profit event Feb 4th in San Francisco. I chair an annual luncheon which brings in 100-150 women. The have cocktails for an hour and then lunch. Lively bunch – they like to shop and I usually can find someone with ease who wants to sell their goods. In looking back – all the vendors that have come through are corporate sales. It would be nice to find a local artist this year. All the attendees are from the Bay Area, so you may be able to grow your business. There are no other vendors at this event – so not really any competition.

You have to have an inventory of product, not just a couple of pieces to sell. Jewelery, cosmetics, small home good, purses/handbags or glass/earthenware would be a perfect fit. Last year $1000 of product was sold by a Home Party Jewelery company. The hook is you donate 20% of sales back to the non-profit. Shoot me an email if you fill the bill. It’s about four hours of work.

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