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Harriet’s Purse Library

The look, feel, smell, and of course content of books has been a constant in my life. It led me to become a librarian. Part of the job was discarding books that were out of date or damaged. Some were just too special to trash. I started experimenting with hard cover bindings, illustrations and text. Combining them with recycled cigar boxes and treasures found at garage sales, I make purses, table top boxes, blank paper notebooks and light switch covers that reflect what I treasure in the content of a book, and my own quirky sense of humor.

I’m no longer working as a librarian, but my recycled book creations make it possible for me to share with others the beauty of the printed book. I started selling my creations on Etsy after getting enthusiastic responses to the purses I carried.

I select books at garage sales and library used book sales based on the cover design, illustrations and subject matter. I buy cigar boxes at cigar stores, or receive them as gifts from cigar smoking friends. I match book and box based on size, then dissect the book and select the text and illustrations that most complement the cover and content. I spend a lot of time preparing and finishing the paper.

The best thing about making purses, boxes, notebooks and light switch covers is that I keep improving what I make, and coming up with new ideas and techniques. The worst thing is parting with the pieces I like best.

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