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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

growing up with: Paper & Type

What inspired you to go into the craft business? Do you still have a day job? It has much to do with my dad & his print shop – I began to grow familiar with paper ephemera & the entrepreneurial spirit at a young age. I knew that I loved to design & make, & I ended up moving to Los Angeles to study architecture. I didn’t go forward with graphic design until a couple of circumstances: my friends Kristen & Jonathan getting married (I had the pleasure of designing their invitations) & a slowdown in architecture (I had some newfound time on my hands). And with that I set out to establish a presence in this new direction & put a name – Paper & Type – to the pursuit.

I do still currently have a day job in architecture, part-time. I work with a very smart woman at her boutique design firm on residential & mixed-use projects, planning spaces, designing interiors. She’s also entrusted me with the design of any collateral or portfolio that leaves the office. It’s great. This experience continues to be an enriching one, learning to balance both crafts!

What is your workspace like? Do you work better during the day, or night? I typically start work in the early morning at the desk in my bedroom. I really love the light at this time – it’s soft & diffused, perfect for planning out the day, photographing my work, drawing, and lettering. My walls are posted with artwork, postcards & flowers that inspire, & my desk holds all the supplies I might need (paper, pens, printer). From there, my work is pretty portable! When I need a change of scene, I just pack up my laptop & bring my design work downstairs or to a favorite cafe or to friend’s dining room table. Lately my fellow creative friends & I have been meeting up for dinner/work parties – it’s helpful having folks around now & then to share ideas or solve problems with, to be in productive company, & to partake in a collaborative meal. I don’t often work late into the night (since I prefer to wake early) but I certainly shall if I’m on to something!

What do you like best: coming up with idea, creating product, or sales? I enjoy aspects of all 3, really. I love the process of devising a collection around an idea or drawing, & churning out ideas for a one-of-a-kind design for a client. The actual production – seeing the stacks of my designs printed, putting together & packaging the final product – is incredibly satisfying (& comes relatively quickly with print design) & it’s fun to have dear friends in on the assembly. And lastly, when it comes to sales, I find it interesting getting to know what different kinds of people will connect with this or that piece of my collection. At the Renegade Craft Fair this past summer I was pleasantly surprised to witness the number of boys/men who picked up the fabric hearts cards! It was endearing & sweet.

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