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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

Chocolate & Chalk Art Festival – Saturday, June 2, 2012, 10am-5pm – Berkeley

The sidewalks along North Shattuck Ave. in the Gourmet Ghetto in Berkeley are the target of artists young and old, professional and greenhorn during the 16th annual CHOCOLATE & CHALK ART FESTIVALon Saturday, June 2.

With no fees to artists, areas of sidewalk will be assigned to participants to create their own fanciful chalk drawings. A CHALK ART CONTEST for the best drawing will be judged after 4 p.m. Winners will be notified the following day. Same-day registration takes place 10AM-5PM in event booths located along North Shattuck Ave. Artist’s chalk is available for a fee.

For CHOCOLATE SAMPLING start by purchasing a packet of tickets (10 for $10) at any of the registration sites. The to-go menu features organic raw dark chocolate mousse, chocolate ganache cupcakes, Nutella crepes, adult brownies or savory chocolate ricotta pizza, Caribbean chocolate soup, or the weirder chocolate foot massage! Spend your tickets on these delights in the businesses in the district.

Vendors with chocolate-related items and hand made arts & crafts fill the Farmer’s Market area, music fills the air, clown’s laughter fills your heart, and many more surprises fill your senses as you stroll along the sidewalks viewing the artwork that remains in place for the next two weeks. See last year’s chalk art contest winners. This is a family-friendly, non-alcoholic event.


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