Next Show:
San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

4th Annual FabMo Textile Art Boutique

October 10th, 2012

Who:  50 artisans from the greater Bay area, united by their use of materials obtained from FabMo

What: One-of-a-kind, hand-crafted paper and textile crafts including accessories, bags & purses, home decor, toys, dolls, jewelry, cards and more

When:  Saturday, October 27, 2012  10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Where:  Quadrus Conference Center, 2400 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA

Why:  To showcase the creative possibilities in designer materials that would be otherwise discarded and promote (for more info contact

How Much:  Free admission and parking all day

For more info click here

We have provided this listing on our Blog as a service to our fellow indie crafters and designers. This show is not affiliated to San Francisco Bazaar. BBSF Blog makes no guarantees or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained on this post. Please direct all questions using the contact information as listed on this blog post. DO NOT leave questions here on our blog as they will not be answered by the show organizers. See our Terms of Use section for more information.

NerdWallet Seeking Beta Testers: Earn $25+

October 2nd, 2012

Creative Business Owners Needed to Beta Test NerdWallet’s Online Coupon Site.

Do you occasionally list coupons for your products on coupon sharing websites as a way to drive traffic to your store? NerdWallet invites you to beta test our new coupons site before it is launched to all independent retailers. NerdWallet’s new coupons site is developed for creative business owners like yourselves to share your coupons online and we would love your feedback on how to make it better and more useful to you!

Please contact Rita Chu at to be a beta tester and we will send you a $25 Amazon gift card to show  our appreciation. We will also send you a $10 Amazon gift card for  every beta tester that you refer.

Here’s an exclusive sneak peek at the new coupon site!

Listing your coupons NerdWallet coupons site: will give you an opportunity to advertise your crafty business for free, with no commitments and no cost, and it allows us to offer our users a  better selection of retailers and a higher level of service.

NerdWallet has been featured in the New York Times, ABC News, and MSN Money, and we are making a push to expand our offerings beyond big box stores to support independent retailers like yourselves.  

If you have any questions, please contact Rita Chu at

Get Crafty!

September 16th, 2012


Friday, September 21

Hosted By and Benefitting Turning Heads: A Non-Profit dedicated to educating young women on the arts of sewing and entrepreneurship.

Heading back to Fashion School? Learning how to sew this year? Expanding your sewing studio? Come to our studio sale, stock up on some great items and help support a unique program for high risk young women! We will have lightrefreshments, beer/wine and snacks, as well as some good background tunes! This is also a great opportunity to view the space if you are interested in renting it for your own future sewing use.

We will be selling:
• New and used table top sewing machines and sergers from $75-$300.
• New and used dress forms from $75-$125
• Bolts and yardage of fabric from $1-$6 a yard
• Miscellaneous remnants of fabric.
• Miscellaneous notions: buttons, vintage bias tape, and more.

The Sweet Dreams Cooperative will be selling:
• Eye pillows
• Dream pillows
• Neck pillows
• Zippered cases
& more items they have handmade with care.

Shopping • Appetizers • Beer/Wine • Music • Great Company

RSVP email:


We have provided this listing on our Blog as a service to our fellow indie crafters and designers. This show is not affiliated to San Francisco Bazaar. BBSF Blog makes no guarantees or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained on this post. Please direct all questions using the contact information as listed on this blog post. DO NOT leave questions here on our blog as they will not be answered by the show organizers. See our Terms of Use section for more information.

6th Annual San Francisco Bazaar Applications Due 9/15

September 11th, 2012


Saturday December 1st & Sunday December 2nd 2012
Concourse Exhibition Center EAST HALL
620 Seventh St. (at Brannan)
San Francisco, CA 94103-4901
Saturday & Sunday 11-6PM – FREE TO ATTEND

San Francisco Bazaar is one of the longest running and highly regarded market place events in the Bay Area. Locally organized, we’ve been supporting and showcasing top notch local artisans since 2006.

Apply for the Holiday San Francisco Bazaar show today and sell your goods alongside the best in the bay area. Our holiday show offers up a wide range of goods from clothing, jewelry, books, fine art, housewares, ceramics, and much more. The show draws thousands of people each year and with no admission, attendees spend all their money at the booths! We have regular vendors who come back year-after-year, and we love showcasing new artists and entrepreneurs so don’t hesitate to apply today! We’ve helped launch quite a few careers and love to showcase new craftspeople.

For our 6th annual show we’ll be making things even more exciting with DIY workshops, demos, raffles, free photo booths, along with involvement from great local organizations… and more! We also heavily promote and publicize both the show and the vendors in the weeks prior to Holiday San Francisco Bazaar to ensure great turn-out.


Win FREE Tickets To Crafty Nightlife

August 10th, 2012


Want To Score A Free Pair of Tickets to Nightlife?

Like the  San Francisco Bazaar Facebook Page and Leave a Comment to enter our raffle for one of 25 free pairs of tickets! Winners will be announced Wednesday August 15th 12PM

Become inspired as NightLife transforms into a crafter’s paradise this week. Roll up your sleeves and make something awesome, alongside expert crafters Haute Gloo, Make SF, SCRAP, GoGo Craft, and more. Do some summer gift shopping (for yourself or others) with a mini-edition of San Francisco Bazaar, bringing a creative collective of local makers and their DIY, handmade goods to peruse. Music by DJs Avalon Emerson and Derek Opperman of Lost in the Night. Tickets are $12 ($10 for Academy members).

SHOP with 20 of our best handmade and indie designers
CRAFT at one of many DIY Craft Stations
GROOVE along to local music, SIP Cocktails and More

California Academy of Sciences
55 Music Concourse Drive
Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118
August 16th 2012 from 6-10PM

Napa Artisan Fair – Oct 14th & Oct 21th

August 10th, 2012

We are having 2 shows:

October 14th is Artisans and Food Vendors Only (The Napa Artisan Fair)
October 21st is Artisans, Food and Commercial Vendors (The Napa Valley
Fall Showcase)

Both events are fundraisers for 2012 AIDS Walk Napa Valley.  Vendors
pay a vendor fee, donate a raffle prize and keep all of their
earnings.  Vendors get a discount for participating in both events.

Vendors can email to get more info and
applications for the events.

We have provided this listing on our Blog as a service to our fellow indie crafters and designers. This show is not affiliated to San Francisco Bazaar. BBSF Blog makes no guarantees or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained on this post. Please direct all questions using the contact information as listed on this blog post. DO NOT leave questions here on our blog as they will not be answered by the show organizers. See our Terms of Use section for more information.

CAS NightLife Summer Vendor Gallery 2012

August 6th, 2012

San Francisco Bazaar @ NightLife

Become inspired as NightLife transforms into a crafter’s paradise this week. Roll up your sleeves and make something awesome, alongside expert crafters Haute Gloo, Make SF, SCRAP, GoGo Craft, and more. Do some summer gift shopping (for yourself or others) with a mini-edition of San Francisco Bazaar, bringing a creative collective of local makers and their DIY, handmade goods to peruse. Music by DJs Avalon Emerson and Derek Opperman of Lost in the Night. Tickets are $12 ($10 for Academy members).

SHOP with 20 of our best handmade and indie designers

CRAFT at our DIY Project Station,

GROOVE along to local music, SIP Cocktails and More!

August 16th 2012 6-10PM/ 21+

More show and ticketing information here.

3 Fish Studios

Andrea Fuentes Designs

Animal Instincts Apparel


Binary Winter/Cody Vrosh

Bird of Virtue


Bug Under Glass

By Nieves Handmade Natural Body Care

C Westbrook Designs



Ichi-v Handbags

IMPRESSED by nature

Korrupt Label

Pretty fun

Princess Punk

Recover Your Thoughts

Rusty Noodle Studios

Scene Not Herd

the poetry store

Tidal Ware Jewelry

Vivi Kids

Vendors needed for the Coastal 5k Family Fun Run & Festival!

June 4th, 2012

Inviting vendors to apply to be part of our first-ever Coastal 5K Fun Run & Festival scheduled for Saturday, August 25, 2012 in Pacifica, California. The goal of the Coastal 5K Fun Run is to promote health, wellness, and fitness while raising much needed funds for the Pacifica Resource Center.

We expect 300-500 runners with guests to join us at the Coastal 5K Fun Run & Festival, partaking in our wonderful community and the natural beauty of Pacifica. Together, we will create an event that is fun, memorable, and financially successful. Please review the attached form, and complete and return it with your commitment as soon as possible, and we will begin acknowledging your participation immediately.

All proceeds from the Coastal 5K Fun Run & Festival will benefit the Pacifica Resource Center, helping us stabilize Pacifica residents struggling to make ends meet by providing a safety net of food, housing assistance, and other critical family services. The Pacifica Resource Center is a project of the Tides Center, a nonprofit 501c3. As such, donations to the PRC are tax deductible; our tax ID is 94-3213100.

We look forward to seeing you at our first Coastal 5K Fun Run & Festival, benefiting the Pacifica Resource Center, on August 25th!

Website for the event:



NerdWallet Looking for Participants in Paid Small Business Study

May 29th, 2012

Focus Group Needed for NerdWallet’s Online Discount Tool

NerdWallet is looking for creative business owners to test drive and analyze a new online discount tool that we’re developing. This discount tool is meant to help smaller, local, and independent retailers like yourselves boost their online presence and advertise their online stores for free. We would like to gather feedback on how to make it better and more useful to store owners like you!  In order to participate, you will need a blog or e-commerce site outside of your Etsy store.

We will pay each participant $30 per test, plus an extra $5 if you bring your own laptop.  We will also provide snacks, pizza, and drinks!

Duration of Time Commitment:
Each test will be around 30 minutes long, and they will take place in person, in our office in SOMA.  We will schedule appointments with interested participants in advance.

What is NerdWallet?
NerdWallet is the web’s best source of information to help consumers make educated comparisons and save money on everything from credit cards, to gas, to everyday online purchases. Our tools have been featured in publications like Money Magazine, the New York Times, and Lifehacker, and our site is often recommended by consumer advocates. Over the past few years, our consumers-first approach and our emphasis on local, independent, or non-profit organizations has allowed us to help millions of consumers and business owners save money.

Why NerdWallet?

  • More than 10,000 unique visitors, every day
  • Featured in major media like the New York Times and ABC News
  • Free advertising helps drive traffic to your store
  • You have complete control over what our users see

Why coupons?
NerdWallet’s coupon tool serves two purposes:

1)   Helping consumers find deals at stores they shop at every day.

2)   Helping smaller independent online retailers to promote their products at the same level playing field as the big box stores.

There are millions of people searching for coupons and discounts on the web, so by allowing retailers to post their own coupons for free, we can give these consumers a chance to find better alternatives to the retailing giants, and give smaller stores more qualified customers. It’s a win-win!

Who to Contact:
For more information and to volunteer as a participant, please contact Rita Chu at with your name and e-commerce website URL


For the gaming geeks, there is Pixel Party

May 17th, 2012

I’m Shampton. I’ve been pushing pixels since I was 7. From playing with print shop on the Apple ii at Whitman Elementary in Chicago to playing Pac Man in the arcade and Jumpman on the Commodore 64 to making websites as an “adult”, I see the world through pixellated glasses. My “current” favorite game is Katamari Damacy. This love of pixels is why I make jewelry, tshirts and art inspired by old school videogames.

My father was a mechanic and grandfather was a carpenter so I’ve always tinkered with things. I had a lego addiction in my twenties that I needed to shake. Make magazine started, my wife was making things with shrinky dinks and I started to get ideas. There was also a broken Ikea dresser that I just couldn’t let go of. I didn’t know why. I eventually realized I was saving it so I could free the pixels from it. It became my first piece of pixellated art.

I love making people smile with the things I make. At shows, I watch people as they approach my booth and their eyes twinkle as they recognize something. Its awesome. The worst thing is that I can’t make every game. I’d like for everyone to have that feeling when they’re in my booth but I only have so much space.

What I make now is just the beginning. I’m thrilled to be at Maker Faire this year. Make helped me along this path and hopefully being here this weekend will inspire me to bring my pixels to the next level.