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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

Call for Vendors for Holiday Fair – Redwood City – Dec 8th

There is the annual Holiday Fair at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Redwood City, Saturday, December 8 from 9-3 p.m

Tables are $25 each, bring your own tablecloth. We have plenty of chairs. There are ample electric plugs but you need to bring your own extension cord if you want to use them. (If you want to bring a lamp or small light for your table.)

The table set up will be the same as last year, basically 2 aisles lined by 6 foot tables in the Sanctuary. The Social Hall will be used also if we have enough interest. I hope to have at least 20 vendors.

Besides advertising to our own Fellowship members and to the people who use the building, I will be posting notices in the neighborhood, putting a large sign on the building, posting on Craigslist. If you have any ideas to pass on to me, I’m interested in hearing them.

The address is: 2124 Brewster Avenue, Redwood City CA 94062

Please email me with any questions.

Thank you!!

Sara Morgan
Holiday Fair Chair

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