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San Francisco's Favorite Craft Fair

2012 Winter Shuk and Arts and Crafts Fair – Temple Sinai – Oakland – Nov 4th

Purpose: This event is an opportunity to feature works of artists affiliated with the Berkeley, Oakland, Piedmont and Alameda congregations, to provide shoppers an opportunity to see and buy high quality works of art, and to establish an ongoing collaborative event between the synagogues.
Who is invited to sell:Ā  Artists must be adults (21) and members, or adult relatives of members, in good standing of participating synagogues. We also welcome unaffiliated artists. If space becomes an issue, affiliated artists have first priority.
Who is invited to attend: The interested public, Temple members, and members of other East Bay congregations. We will advertise in local newspapers and with flyers throughout the East Bay.Ā  Posters, handouts, and publicity PDF will be available to artists, and we welcome your marketing suggestions.Ā 

Forbidden Merchandise:Ā  Ā Any merchandise containing fragrance or scent of any kind is not permitted.Ā  Merchandise of a distasteful, hateful, or ā€œantiā€ nature is not permitted.Ā  The SHUK committee reserves the right to request that particular merchandise be removed from sale if deemed inappropriate.Ā 

Event elements: Sales, Sales, Sales!Ā  Vendors will have a table for their display.Ā  Bottled water will be provided. Artists are also invited to bring their own water bottles to help make this a ā€œgreenā€ event.Ā  Kosher food will be for sale to fair goers and to vendors.Ā 

To participate: Please complete the enclosed application. By signing the application, you agree to donate 15% of your gross sales at the fair to your congregation. Non-affiliated artist will donate 15% of your gross sales to the Shuk Committee.Ā  Submit the attached application and a fee of $54.00 per table by July 18th. Adult children of members who are not paying dues in their own right and non-affiliated artists:Ā  $72.00 per table.Ā 

More information: The fair will take place at Temple Sinai, 28th and Webster Streets,Oakland. The

Social Hall and Chapel will open at 3:00 P.M. Saturday, November 3rd for set up. You may park in the parking lot for setup.Ā  November 4th please park on the street.Ā 

Each vendorā€™s space will be the size of one 8-foot table and a few feet behind it. Two chairs will be provided. You may bring your own display apparatus as long as it fits into the space. Displays placed on top of the tables may not be more than 24ā€ tall so as not to block visual access to other merchants. There will be WI FI on the fair floor to run credit cards.Ā  Each table will have a neutral-color tablecloth, but you may add your own decorative cloths. The lighting of the hall is not especially bright, and so you may want to bring lighting and heavy-duty grounded extension cords for your display. All cords must be taped down. If you have any questions about the fair please call Susan Levy.

We hope you will share your talents and we appreciate your involvement. We will do our best to make this a successful day for you.Ā 

Susan Levy, TempleSinai
Business Manager, Winter Shuk and Arts and Crafts Fair

We have provided this listing on our Blog as a service to our fellow indie crafters and designers. This show is not affiliated to San Francisco Bazaar. BBSF Blog makes no guarantees or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained on this post. Please direct all questions using the contact information as listed on this blog post. DO NOT leave questions here on our blog as they will not be answered by the show organizers. See our Terms of Use section for more information.

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